Spring Break
So, I obviously took a little break. After my grandfather's funeral, I dealt with some medical appointments, some mourning, and some much-needed super lazy downtime. As it happens, my medical stuff turned out to be nothing at all and all of my anxiety about it drained me of both feeling and energy. Now, I'm working to get myself back to a better place. Each evening, I'm making a list of things for which I'm grateful, I'm back on my probiotics, and I am chipping away at getting my house cleaned up and looking tidy again.
These boring self care things are always the first to go when my depression and/or anxiety kicks in. What I did accomplish over break, though, was going to see Frank Lloyd Wright's Pope-Leighey House in Alexandria with my friend D and to go to the Appalachian Studies Association Conference in Cincinnati with my friend N. While I was at the ASA Conference, I got to see a lot of wonderful people. It was fun to chat with so many thoughtful writers and academics and to share some details about my upcoming roadtrip/writing project. It was the first time I'd really talked about it with people who write and work in literature for a living. I was nervous, but the responses were positive and that makes me hopeful!
I promise to return to my regular writing schedule next week. I'm sorry it's taken me so long to recover from this latest little setback. However, I have some big stuff on the horizon...RV shopping, house cleaning, yard sales, and packing. Thrill a minute!! More soon...
In the meantime, you should definitely check out the following:
1. My friend's new website (look familiar? I helped her build it).
2. Robert Gipe's new novel, Weedeater. I am pumped to read it!
3. New Netflix addiction, Requiem. Weird and beautiful.
4. These photos I took over break: