I'm a Homeowner
I bought a house. It's my first real house. It's possible it's more than I need. Still, I'm excited about it and I think it has all kinds of potential. Here are some interesting facts about my house:
1) It was built in 1962
2) It has original hardwoods throughout
3) It's located in an adorable little town with a main street
4) It will probably take me 100 years to get everything fixed the way I'd like it
I once told a friend that if you truly love to decorate, you're never "done" decorating. So, I have exactly two projects planned before I move in:
1) paint the master bedroom (and possibly more)
2) remove the faux mantlepiece and paint the brick fireplace white
Those are my first two projects. I'll be blogging as I go, so stay tuned!